7. Settings

The Settings section of the SiteWizard system allows you to change certain aspects of the site that are out of the scope of the Web Page Editor.

Figure 7.0 A screenshot of the Settings page.

Figure 7.0 - A screenshot of the Settings page

7.1 General Settings

Company Name
This allows you to edit the Company Name that is associated with your website. 

Telephone Number
This phone number is shown wherever you insert 123 into the page editor. This allows you to control your phone number from one place, and for it to update throughout the site wherever the code appears.

Copyright Notice
This input box controls the copyright text that is repeated at the bottom of every page.

Default Page Title
This box controls the text that appears in the blue bar at the very top of your Internet browser window. This can be changed for each individual page using the Page Editor, but when this function isn't used, this default page title is inserted instead. A maximum of 200 characters can be used in your title.

Tip: Search Engines, such as Google, look at the title bar to see if it relates to the content that is on a specific page. Often, this text is used to display the search result for your website on the main search results. With this in mind, it is a great place to put keyword rich phrases to help with your Search Engine Optimisation. 

Default Meta Tag Keywords
This box allows you to set a group of keywords of up to 500 characters for your site that are hidden in the code, used to help describe your site. Keywords can be set on each page, but when they are not set, these keywords are used instead. 

Tip: Traditionally, search engines used these words to help rank a website, but they are used less often by search engines today. However, It is still recommended that you populate this field with key words relating to your site, business sector and local area. Take care to ensure that the keywords you use are directly relevant to your pages! 

Default Meta Tag Description
As well as adding Keywords to the code of your site, you can also include a description of 500 characters about your company and the services you provide. The Meta Description can be set on each page, but when they are not set, these keywords are used instead. 

Tip: This description is used less frequently by search engines than in the past, but it does still carry weight for search results. It is often used to display to what your page is about in search listings. Try to make your descriptions as keyword-rich, accurate, and specific as possible about your page.
If you'd like more tips for SEO, why not have a chat with your SiteWizard account manager for more help and advice? Call on 01622 200 045.

7.2 Image Size Settings

These settings specify the maximum width and height that images will be saved when you upload them in the image library. This is to ensure that images on the website are not too big for your web pages, as they can be slow for users to download and difficult to manage. If you find your images are too small or too big, you can change the maximum size setting here.

7.3 Submission Form Settings

TO: Email Address
This box sets the email address(es) to which your website form submissions will be sent. If you would like to send the information to more than one email address, please separate them using a comma. e.g. you@yourcompany.co.uk, yourcolleague@yourcompany.co.uk.

FROM: Email Address
When an email arrives in your inbox it is always FROM someone. This option allows you to specify the FROM Email Address of emails sent to you by your website submission form. This is particularly useful when setting up your spam filters, just make sure you add the correct details to your accepted list.

FROM: Name
When an email arrives in your inbox it is always FROM someone. This option allows you to specify the FROM Name of emails sent to you by your website submission form. This is particularly useful when setting up your spam filters, just make sure you add the correct details to your accepted list.

Email Subject Line
When an email arrives in your inbox it normally has a subject line that the author of the email has added, i.e. 'Last Junes Sales Figures' or 'Please send me a quote'. By filling in this box your form submission will arrive with the subject line you enter here. You can make this text say anything you like, but we recommend something along the lines of 'A submission from my website'. This enables you to better identify form submissions to your anti-spam software or to help setup a wizard in your email account manager. This is unfortunately outside the scope of this guide and we refer you to your Email Account Manager's help files.

7.4 Google Anayltics

Google Analytics is software which allows you to track how many users have visited your site and view many sifferent statistics about your users. It can be an excellent tool to see which pages people visit, how long they stay on the pages, and how they found your site. 

If you are already set up with a Google Analytics account, you can enter the ID code for it here. If you do not have analytics set up yet and you'd like a hand, call SiteWizard Technical Support on 01622 200 045 for help and advice!