9. Other Features

This guide has outlined all the basic features you need to manage your website, but this section introduces you to a few extra features or information you might need to know. 

9.1 Customising Your Form-Submission 'Thanks' Page

If you have a submission form on your website, for example on your contact page, you can customise the 'thanks' page which users see when they have submitted their message. By default, you will have one of two options in place which displays when a user clicks the Submit button: 

If you don't have a custom page already, you can create one. To create a 'Thanks' page:

  1. In the Page Names editor select a blank page and enter 'Thanks' into the Page Description box.
  2. In the Alternative HTML Filename box, enter 'thanks'.
  3. Click on the Save Changes button.

If you have a custom thanks page, created by Sitewizard or yourself, you can edit it:

  1. Go the the Page Editor section in your CMS, and click to edit the page called 'Thanks'
  2. Edit your page as you would any other web page, and save your changes

The thanks page can contain any amount of content you wish. By giving the page a name of thanks, the SiteWizard system will recognise that you would like this page to appear automatically after a form has been submitted from your site. This page won't show up on your menu.

An idea for the text on this page would be:

"Thanks for sending us a message. We will aim to get back to you within 2 working days."

Tip: This page can be a great place to put extra information - remember that the people who see this page are already interested enough in your site to send you a message. Why not give your phone number to encourage them to call, or include a link to more info about your products, or to find you on Facebook?


9.2 Adding Images to Your Lightbox Gallery

The Lightbox system is an excellent attachment for anyone who wishes to show a portfolio of images. The lightbox opens a large version of a thumbnail image whan it is clicked on whilst darkening the rest of your website, thus making sure that the viewer's focus is purely on the image. It also includes previous, next and close buttons to the image, as well as the ability to add a relevant caption of your choice.

If you are interested in the Lightbox on your website, contact your Customer Account Manager on 01622 200 045 for more information.

Editing images for use in your Lightbox system

Before you can add images into the system you'll need to adjust them so they are in the same dimensions as the rest of the pictures on your website. This will need to be done for both the small (thumbnail) and large image. 

We recommend that your large images should be no more than 650 pixels wide or 440 pixels high. The size of the thumbnails used will vary depending on the characteristics of your website. Follow the instructions below to find out the specific dimensions to use.

Finding the size of the thumbnails on your site

  1. Visit your website and open the page that the contains your Lightbox image viewer.
  2. Right click your mouse over one of the thumbnails and select Properties.
  3. This will then bring up all the information about this image. Make a note of the Dimensions as you will need to make all your thumbnails this size.
  4. Click Cancel to close the window.

Adding images into your Lightbox system

Once you have resized your images to the correct dimensions you'll then need to upload them into the SiteWizard system before they can be used on your website. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the Image Store [link] section of this guide.

  1. Open the page you wish to add the thumbnail images too.
  2. Click on the page where you would like the image to appear.
  3. Click on the Insert/Edit Image button on the toolbar.
  4. In the pop-up menu that appears click on the Browse Server button which is to the right of the URL input box.
  5. This will open the Image Library in a new pop-up window.
  6. Find the image you would like to insert and click on its filename.
  7. This will now take you back to the original pop-up window. In the preview window, you'll now see the image you selected along with some sample text.
  8. Click Ok and the image will then be inserted on to the page.

Adding a link and title to the image

Now that the thumbnail image has been inserted you'll need to add a link to the larger image and a title tag, which will eventually be the images caption.

  1. Right click your mouse over the image and select Image Properties, then the Link tab.
  2. Because you'll be linking to an image, which isn't located in the File Store, you'll need to type the path in manually. This should be done in the following way:

    http://www.[your websites url]/images/[imagename].jpg

    It's always good practice to name the larger image of the two the same as the thumbnail but with the word 'large' or 'big' after it. e.g. For your first image the thumbnail would be named image1.jpg and the large image will be image1large.jpg.
  3. Click on the Advanced tab and in the Advisory Title box enter the caption you would like to appear under the large image when it is displayed.
  4. Click Ok to add the link.

Editing the html code of your page

The last thing that needs to be done is for a small piece of code to be added to the link on the picture. This code will be used by the system to determine whether a next and/or previous button will need to be included with the image.

  1. Click on the Source button to view the html code of the page.
  2. Using the Find option in the tool bar to locate the image you have just inserted. The code that contains the image should look something like this: <img src="[imagename].jpg" />
  3. Inside the starting anchor tag to the right of the image, copy and paste rel="lightbox[roadtrip]". Once this has been done the code for the link to the larger picture and your thumbnail image will look something like the following code:

    <a title="[caption goes here]" href="[large image]" rel="lightbox[roadtrip]"><img src="[small image]" /></a>
  4. Click the Source button again to return to the graphical version of your page and then click Save.

9.5 Shops & Databases

If you have a database website with Sitewizard, or you have an older online shop, you will be able to access these features in the 'Shop' section of the CMS. You are able to add, delete and modify your products from this section. This guide does not cover the shop section in detail, if you require help, call Sitewizard Technical Support on 01622 200 045. 

Thinking of selling online? If you do not have an online shop, but you would like to look into selling products online, call your Sitewizard account manager on 01622 200045, to chat about your options!


9.6 The HTML Editor

The HTML Editor section on your website is where the designers at Sitewizard implement the design and coding for your website template. Most customers are not able to edit this section of their website, because it requires an advanced knowledge of HTML and CSS.

If you need to access this section or have any questions about it, call your Sitewizard account manager on 01622 200045.